Posted: 24 March 2020
In these uncertain times that we find ourselves in Operation Covid Nation is coming to RTÉ One in April 2020.
Our team here at Operation Transformation have a plan to help people stay healthy, in mind and body, as people are having to live apart from family and friends and the normal routine of everyday life.
Kathryn Thomas and our team of experts Aoife Hearne, Karl Henry, Dr Eddie Murphy and Dr Sumi Dunne will be helping households deal with the reality of isolation and how we can all play our part in supporting the most vulnerable by our own actions.
We want to hear from households from across the country to capture how they are coping behind closed doors since Covid-19 arrived in Ireland. Whether you are living alone, in a house share, working from home, adapting to home school your children and have chosen to self-isolate our Operation Transformation experts want to support and help you.
Four households will be chosen for this series. The production will install unmanned cameras in your home to see how each household is living day to day. Each household will be paid an appearance fee for participation in the series.
The strict social distancing guidelines will be followed by all production team members to avoid any contact with the household members.
Should you and your household wish to be considered for this unique series, please visit https://submit.link/tagQv where you will find the application form.
If you require any further information please email optransrte@gmail.com